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主任医师 博士 硕士研究生导师 口腔科副主任暨南大学口腔医学院正畸教研室主任
临床擅长:使用无托槽隐形矫治技术、个性化舌侧、唇侧矫治技术对成人的各类错颌畸形进行矫治; 使用咬合诱导技术、功能矫治器、矫形力对早期正在形成的儿童各类牙颌畸形进行干预和治疗;使用先进的自锁托槽矫治技术对青少年各类牙颌畸形进行矫治。
1. 广东省口腔医学会口腔正畸学专业委员会 委员
2. 广东省生物医学工程学会生物医用材料与临床应用专业委员会委员
主持包括:广东省科技计划项目、广东省自然基金项目、广州市科技计划项目、广东省医学科研基金、暨南大学科研培育与创新基金项目、暨南大学第一临床医学院科研培育专项基金等多个科研项目; 参与包括国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省科技计划项目、广东省省自然基金项目等多项科研项目。
1.Liu, Shixin, Cai, Xiang, Xue, Wei, Ma, Dong, and Zhang, Wu. "Chitosan derivatives co-delivering nitric oxide and methicillin for the effective therapy to the methicillin-resistant S. aureus infection.." Carbohydrate Polymers 234, (2020): 115928.(通讯作者)
2. Zhang, Wu, Liu, Haixia, Yang, Wei, Liu, Chang, Xie, Miaomiao, Guo, Rui, Jiang, Jianqiang et al . "Hydroxyapatite/silk fibroin composite biomimetic scaffold for dental pulp repair." Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials 8, no. 4(2019): UNSP 1800050.(第一作者)
3. Wu, Zhang, Yuanyuan, Zheng, Haixia, Liu, Xiao, Zhu, Yongchun, Gu, Yong, Lan, Jiali, Tan et al . "A non-invasive monitoring of USPIO labeled silk fibroin/hydroxyapatite scaffold loaded DPSCs for dental pulp regeneration." Materials Science and Engineering: C 103, (2019): 109736. (第一作者)
4. Feng, Yi, Kong, Wei-Dong, Cen, Wan-Jing, Zhou, Xue-Zhong, Zhang, Wu, Li, Qin-Tao, Guo, Hai-Yuan et al . "Finite element analysis of the effect of power arm locations on tooth movement in extraction space closure with miniscrew anchorage in customized lingual orthodontic treatment." American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 156, no. 2(2019): 210-219.
5. Li, Guowei, Yu, Siming, Xue, Wei, Ma, Dong, and Zhang, Wu. "Chitosan-graft-PAMAM loading nitric oxide for efficient antibacterial application." Chemical Engineering Journal 347, (2018): 923-931. (通讯作者)
6. Cen, Wan, Jing, Feng, Yi, Li, Shu, Shu, Huang, Liang, Wei, Zhang, Tao, Zhang, Wu, Kong, Wei, Dong et al . "Iron overload induces G1 phase arrest and autophagy in murine preosteoblast cells." Journal of Cellular Physiology 233, no. 9(2018): 6779-6789.
7. Zhang, Wu, Mai, Chunmiao, Chen, Hongmin, and Zhang, Huijun. "Impulsiveness in Reactive Dieters: Evidence From Delay Discounting in Orthodontic Patients." Frontiers in Human Neuroscience12, (2018): 347. (第一作者)
8. Ji, Yujie, Li, Guowei, Zhang, Wu, Ma, Dong, and Xue, Wei. "Cross-linked branched polyethylenimine used as a nitric oxide donor for prolonged nitric oxide release." Materials Science and Engineering: C 81, (2017): 492-499.
9.Cai, Jian, zhou, and Zhang, Wu. "Studies on the Interaction of Poly-L-lysine with Fibrinogen with Spectroscopic Methods." Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 37, no. 1(2017): 166-171.(通讯作者)
10. Cai, Jianzhou, Zhang, Wu, Xu, Jiake, Xue, Wei, and Liu, Zonghua. "Evaluation of N-phosphonium chitosan as a novel vaccine carrier for intramuscular immunization." Journal of Biomaterials Applications 32, no. 5(2017): 677-685. (共同第一作者)
11. Zhang, Wu, and Liu, Fanna. "Effect of Polylysine on Blood Clotting, and Red Blood Cell Morphology, Aggregation and Hemolysis." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 17, no. 1(2017): 251-255. (第一作者)
12. Ke, Jun-Yu, Zhang, Wu, Gong, Rui-Song, Cen, Wan-Jing, Huang, Hui-Qun, Li, Ye-Rong, Kong, Wei-Dong et al . "A monomer purified from Paris polyphylla (PP-22) triggers S and G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis in human tongue squamous cell carcinoma SCC-15 by activating the p38/cdc25/cdc2 and caspase 8/caspase 3 pathways.." Tumor Biology37, no. 11(2016): 14863-14872. (共同第一作者)
13. Kong, Wei-Dong, Ke, Jun-Yu, Hu, Xiang-Quan, Zhang, Wu, Li, Shu-Shu, and Feng, Yi. "Applications of cone-beam computed tomography to assess the effects of labial crown morphologies and collum angles on torque for maxillary anterior teeth.." Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop150, no. 5(2016): 789-795.
14. Zhang, Wu, Ren, Guangli, Xu, Hao, Zhang, Jinglin, Liu, Huidi, Mu, Shansong, Cai, Xiang et al . "Genipin cross-linked chitosan hydrogel for the controlled release of tetracycline with controlled release property, lower cytotoxicity, and long-term bioactivity." Journal of Polymer Research 23, no. 8(2016): 156. (第一作者)
15. Li, Danrong, Jiao, Genlong, Zhang, Wu, Chen, Xiaofeng, Ning, Ruijian, and Du, Chang. "Hybrid scaffolding strategy for dermal tissue reconstruction: a bioactive glass/chitosan/silk fibroin composite." RSC Advances 6, no. 24(2016): 19887-19896.
16. Kong, Weidong, Chen, Zhenrong, Zhang, Wu, Gong, Jian, Ke, Junyu, and Xu, Hao. "[Correlation of bone mineral density of the mandibular angle, hand and total body in 839 healthy individuals aged from 5 to 18 years].." Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi 50, no. 9(2015): 540-543.
17. Yang, Jian, Hao, Li, Zheng, Chen, Kong, Wei, Dong, Zhang, Wu, Jia, Ying, Ping, Zhang, Yue, Lan, Liu, Lin, Bo et al . "Effect of orthodontic force on inflammatory periodontal tissue remodeling and expression of IL-6 and IL-8 in rats." Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 6, no. 10(2013): 757-761.